Hustle Partners News 4 months ago

What Do You Do When They Want to Jump Ship?

In today’s competitive job market, it’s hard to not worry about your current employees jumping ship for a new, shiner opportunity. It’s important to pay attention to the things workers are seeking in a new job and implement those strategies for your current employees. Creating an environment your current staff want to stay in will in turn create an environment workers are seeking in their job search. With the evolving expectations of workers, it's crucial to adopt strategies that foster employee loyalty and satisfaction or showcase the practices you already have in place. Employers, read along as we explore how you can attract and retain skilled workers in today’s job market.

Bobby Christy avatar Bobby Christy
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Letters from Leadership 5 months ago

Thoughts from our founder: Let's Talk About Collaboration

Today, we're dealing with a unique set of challenges all at once – rapid technological changes, economic uncertainties, income inequality, and the pressing issue of sustainability. In this complex landscape, working together between employers and employees isn't just a nice idea; it's a must. Both parties have crucial roles to play in this journey. Employers can promote success by fostering transparent communication, offering comprehensive training, ensuring fair compensation, involving employees in decisions, and prioritizing their well-being. Employees also contribute through their dedication, hard work, creativity, and commitment to achieving organizational goals. They can boost collaboration by actively participating in open discussions, taking initiative, sharing insights, and contributing to a positive work culture.

Bobby Christy avatar Bobby Christy
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Hustle Partners News 5 months ago

1.4 Jobs for Every One Job Seeker: Now What?

The Labor Department recently reported that while job openings fell in November, there are currently more job openings than unemployed workers – in fact, 1.4 jobs are available for every ONE unemployed worker. That means with demand higher than supply, you will have to fight for every applicant, every interview and every new hire. Now what? Finding the right employees is challenging enough without having to battle it out. Hustle Partners understands the workforce is changing both culturally and through technology. We will not only find you top-quality talent, but we also make sure each relationship is a cultural fit – at a fraction of the cost of traditional staffing firms. But if you are dead set on muscling through it yourself, here are some effective strategies to attract and retain the best talent in your respective industry.

Bobby Christy avatar Bobby Christy
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Hustle Partners News 5 months ago

Should You Stay or Should You Go? Make the Smart Choice for Your Career

Today, we're addressing a crucial question: should you stay in your current job, or is it time to explore new opportunities? The first question to ask yourself is, do you actually like your job? If you don’t, then your answer might be clearer than you think. If you do, do you like the environment, pay, and fulfillment the role brings you? In a region rich with diverse job opportunities, it’s worthwhile to look at what positions are around you. At Hustle Partners, we can help you find a role that fits all your needs or the perfect hustle during your job search. Your partner support manager, a real human being- not a bot, will be there to help you through any stage of your job search. Here are a few things to consider when debating whether it’s time to abandon your role or not and how you can stand out in your job search.

Bobby Christy avatar Bobby Christy
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Hustle Partners News 7 months ago
Photo by <a href="" target="_blank">Mike Petrucci</a> on <a href="" target="_blank">Unsplash</a>

Adapting to Retail Trends: How to Hire for Customer-Centric Success

In the dynamic landscape of today's job market, the rise of gig jobs or "hustles" has become a significant trend, especially in the retail sector. As a hiring manager or human resources specialist, understanding and adapting to these retail trends is crucial for finding the right talent to drive customer-centric success. This blog post will guide you through the process of hiring in the gig economy, catering to various audiences including Hustle Seekers who are new to the workforce; senior Hustle Seekers; career climbers; students, and young Hustle Seekers working around a school schedule.

Bobby Christy avatar Bobby Christy
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Hustle Partners News 7 months ago

Finding Your Perfect Side Gig: A Guide for Supplemental Income Seekers

In a world where flexibility and variety are becoming increasingly valued, gig jobs have emerged as the perfect solution for those seeking supplemental income. Whether you're a Hustle Seeker just entering the workforce, an experienced professional exploring a new avenue, or a student looking to make ends meet, this guide is tailored for you. Employers and hiring managers pay attention too, as we explore how to attract and retain the best gig workers for your business.

Dean Zulueta avatar Dean Zulueta
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Hustle Partners News 8 months ago

Managing Employees with Multiple Jobs: Tailoring Your Approach for a Diverse Workforce

In today's evolving job market, managing employees with multiple jobs is becoming increasingly common. Northern Nevada, with its vibrant mix of industries, is no exception. People are turning to side hustles for flexibility to give them more control over their schedules and to help make ends meet in an uncertain economy. In fact, in 2018, the last year data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics was available, 13 million workers held multiple jobs. At Hustle Partners, we understand the importance of effective leadership, so we have developed these tips for managing employees who have multiple jobs across various demographics.

Bobby Christy avatar Bobby Christy
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Hustle Partners News 8 months ago

Balancing Act: How to Manage Multiple Jobs While Maintaining Work-Life Balance

In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon for people to take on multiple jobs to meet financial goals and secure a better future. Whether you're seeking supplementary income, a higher-paying job, or juggling multiple part-time gigs, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for your well-being. At Hustle Partners, we’ve worked with many people who are balancing several jobs to make ends meet, and we understand the unique challenges you face. Here are our tips for juggling multiple jobs while keeping your well-being in check.

Dean Zulueta avatar Dean Zulueta
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